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Laser systems for scientific and education applications

ATC-Semiconductor devices offers the many different components which necessary to building full ready-to-use laser systems. Such systems are excellent for using at scientific and education laboratories. At present such systems in following laboratories - University at Buffalo (USA); Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic); Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University (Russia); Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI (Russia).


Some samples of the laboratory tasks that used laser systems manufactured by our firm:

Description of the laboratory task for diode pumping of solid state lasers.(University at Buffalo, USA)

Investigations of spontaneous photoluminescence of nanoheterostructures InGaAs/AlGaAs and GaAs/AlGaAs with quantum wells and quantum dots abstract (Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI)

Investigations of diode pumped solid state laser with frequency doubling and possibility of using such lasers in microelectronics abstract (Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University)

Investigations of high power ingect heterolaser and its main technical characteristics abstract (Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University)

Presented above laboratory tasks are complex and can be used in following courses:

  • Quantum electronics and optoelectronics
  • Semiconductor optoelectronic devices
  • Physics of semiconductor devices
  • Solid-state physics
  • Optics of semiconductors
  • Technology of semiconductor materials
  • Technology of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits

Scheme of the laser systems building (pdf)


Laser diodes and arrays
Laser diode cooling heads
Additional focusing optics
Laser diode drivers
Diode pumped solid state lasers
Atcus series laser medical devices
Latus series laser medical devices
Laser medical device model Latus PDT
Stand for the laser diode degradation testing
Fiber coupled laser diodes and modules




© Company "ATC - Semiconductor devices", Saint - Petersburg, 2003,   Russian version
© Design & programming = Fort Inform, 2002
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