Laser systems for scientific and education applications
ATC-Semiconductor devices offers the many different components which necessary to building full ready-to-use laser systems. Such systems are excellent for using at scientific and education laboratories. At present such systems in following laboratories - University at Buffalo (USA); Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic); Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University (Russia); Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI (Russia).
Some samples of the laboratory tasks that used laser systems manufactured by our firm:
Description of the laboratory task for diode pumping of solid state lasers.(University at Buffalo, USA)
Investigations of spontaneous photoluminescence of nanoheterostructures InGaAs/AlGaAs and GaAs/AlGaAs with quantum wells and quantum dots abstract (Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University LETI)
Investigations of diode pumped solid state laser with frequency doubling and possibility of using such lasers in microelectronics abstract (Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University)
Investigations of high power ingect heterolaser and its main technical characteristics abstract (Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University)
Presented above laboratory tasks are complex and can be used in following courses:
- Quantum electronics and optoelectronics
- Semiconductor optoelectronic devices
- Physics of semiconductor devices
- Solid-state physics
- Optics of semiconductors
- Technology of semiconductor materials
- Technology of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits
Scheme of the laser systems building (pdf)