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Fiber-coupled laser diodes and modules

ATC-SD presents fiber-coupled laser diodes and modules intended for delivery of high power monochromatic laser radiation to illuminated place or object.

The main fields of application for these fiber-coupled laser diodes and modules are:

  • optical pumping
  • medicine
  • material processing

Combining various components (fiber-coupled laser diodes and modules, cooling heads and power supply drivers) allows making a complete fiber-coupled laser system for research laboratories, scientific and educational purposes.


Fiber coupled laser diodes and modules
Fiber coupled laser diodes
OEM fiber coupled laser modules
Model coding

Laser diodes and arrays
Laser diode cooling heads
Additional focusing optics
Laser diode driver
Diode pumped solid state lasers
Atcus series laser medical devices
Latus series laser medical devices
Laser medical device model Latus PDT
Stand for the laser diodes degradation testing
Laser systems for scientific and educational application


© Company "ATC - Semiconductor devices", Saint - Petersburg, 2003,   Russian version
© Design & programming = Fort Inform, 2002
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