Description of the device and areas of application
ATC - Semiconductor devices and Institute for Analytical Instrumentation RAS, representative a series of devices for real-time PCR analyses.
These devices appropriate to detect and measure the initial amount of specific DNA (RNA) in the studied sample in a wide dynamic range up to 109 copies.
These devices can be used for research, and for mass analysis.
The method is based on the detection of fluorescence signal during the reaction, which allows observing the process of accumulation of product during the PCR, rather than after the reaction. Fluorescence signal during the PCR increases in proportion to the amount of product amplification. Monitoring of the signal allows building a kinetic curve of reaction. The greater the number of DNA in the sample, the earlier start of growth observed fluorescence signal and the lower the threshold cycle.
This technology enables to make registration directly through the wall of the reaction test-tube that eliminates the ingress production response to environmental and laboratory contamination.
The advantages of real-time PCR are as follows:
- High sensitivity
- Guarantee the absence of contamination
- Reduction in the number of facilities
- Simplifying the process and reducing the time of analysis
- Automation and standardization of the registration results
The main areas of application for the «ANK» devices
- in Gynecology and Urology: Identification of diseases such as chlamydia, ureaplazmoz, gonorrhea, genital herpes, gardnerellez, mikoplazmoz, as well as identification of human papilloma virus, HPV
- in Pulmonology and Phthisiology: to identify and differential diagnosis of viral and bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis, sensitivity to the strain of ongoing therapy
- in the practice of infectious diseases - as a express method for diagnosis
- in Hematology - to identify tsitomegalovirusnoy infection onkovirusov
- in Genetics - the establishment of paternity, identification of genetic diseases
Sanitary-epidemiological studies
- identification of causative agents of especially dangerous diseases - plague, cholera, smallpox, anthrax, etc
- Identification for person
- Identification for fitopatogentov, viruses, SIV, rapid breeding of new animal breeds and plant varieties
ANK device includes:
- Heat block allows the exponential increase in the number of pro PCR product in the presence of the sample, the desired DNA (RNA)
- Optical unit measures the fluorescence signal of the sample
- The software allows you to define and monitor the conditions of PCR and fluorescence measurements
- Set for calibration
License contract