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Effect of Free-Carrier Absorption on Performance of 808 nm High-Power Laser
K A Bulashevich*,**, V F Mymrin**, and S Yu Karpov**,***
* Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, RAS, St.Petersburg, 194021 Russia
** Soft-Impact, Ltd., P.O.Box 83, St.Petersburg, 194156 Russia
*** STR, Inc., P.O. Box 70604, Richmond, VA 23255-0604, USA
D M Demidov and A L Ter-Martirosyan
JSC "ATC-Semiconductor devices", P.O.Box 29, St.Petersburg, 194156

Effect of free-carrier absorption on performance of 808 nm AlGaAs-based high-power
laser diodes
K A Bulashevich*,**, V F Mymrin**, S Yu Karpov**,***, D M Demidov**** and
A L Ter-Martirosyan****
* Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, RAS, St.Petersburg, 194021 Russia
** Soft-Impact, Ltd., P.O.Box 83, St.Petersburg, 194156 Russia
*** STR, Inc., P.O. Box 70604, Richmond, VA 23255-0604, USA
**** JSC "ATC-Semiconductor devices", P.O.Box 29, St.Petersburg, 194156

High Power Long Pulse Width QCW Laser Diode Bars for Optical Pumping of Yb-Er Glass Solid State Lasers N. I. Katsavets*, V. A. Buchenkov** and A. L. Ter-Martirosyan*
*ATC-Semiconductor Devices Joint-Stock Company, St. Petesburg, Russia
** Jenoptik Components Company, St. Petersburg, Russia