

New Products


ATC-SD is currently developing new models of laser diodes and arrays, laser devices and solid-state lasers. Below you can find brief information about our new products, which now are under development.

Development of the new products are implemented with the support of Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE,


Coupled laser arrays

ATC-SD presents high power laser emitting device. It consists of two serial connected laser linear arrays, mounted on a common heat-sink. The peak output optical power of this laser emitter reaches 100 W, and it may operate at heat-sink temperatures of up to +55°C. The main fields of application are pumping of solid state lasers and material processing.

Main technical characteristics:

  • Peak output optical power - up to 100 W
  • Mode of operation - QCW
  • Pulse duration - 4 msec
  • Wavelength: 955 ±5 nm at +25°С
  • Wavelength: 965 ±5 nm at +55°С

High-temperature laser arrays

Special design of the laser linear array allows operation at the heat-sink temperatures of up to +70°С. The main application of these laser arrays is in manufacuring of diode pumped solid state lasers with the emission wavelength of 1570 nm - safe for human eye - for special purposes, including civil and military range-finders.

Main technical characteristics:

  • Peak output optical power - up to 70 W
  • Mode of operation - QCW
  • Pulse duration - 4 msec
  • Wavelength: 950 ±5 nm at +25°С
  • Wavelength: 960 ±5 nm at +55°С

New medical device for photodynamic therapy based on super light LED's - model "Fara"

ATC-SD offers a new device for photodynamic therapy based on super light-emitting diodes. Name of the device is “Fara”. This devise appropriate for photodynamic therapy of surface neoplasms. Also, the system can be used for fluorescent monitoring. The device is made on the base of high-brightness light-emitting diodes with high reliability and durability. LEDs radiation on the exposed surface gives light spot with a minimum diameter of 6 cm.

The main technical parameters:

Model Fara
Wavelength of radiation, nm 660±5
Output power in CW operation mode, W 5
The minimum diameter of light spot, cm 6
The maximum optical power density mW/cm 160
Nonuniformity of the spot radiation % Not more than 10%

Areas of application:

  • Photodynamic therapy of nononcological neoplasms
  • Photodynamic therapy of inflammatory diseases in gynecology, urology, postoperative wounds
  • Antibacterial Photodynamic Therapy in cosmetology
  • Antibacterial Photodynamic therapy in stomatology
  • Foto- rejuvenation
  • Photodynamic therapy of inflammatory diseases of the age problems in young peoples
  • Spectral-fluorescence diagnostics

Diode pumped solid state laser

ATC-SD presents new DPSS laser with wavelength 473 nm (blue light). As a pumping source, used laser diodes produced by ATC-SD’s own manufacture facilities. This laser has air cooling by Peltier thermocoolers. Solid-state lasers are air-cooling and built-in thermostabilization system based on Peltier thermocoolers. As a power source for such lasers used LDD-10 driver with an additional thermostabilization system.

The main technical parameters

Model ATC- 47- 010
Wavelength of radiation, nm 473
Output power in CW operation mode, mW 10
Mоde structure TEMоо
Divergence of beam j (mrad) j < 10
The stability of light power   ±10 %
Network power supply 220V/50Hz or 110V/60Hz
Dimensions of a power unit, mm 260х240х100
Dimensions of a laser head, mm 135x90x85
Weight of the complete set, no more than, kg 6

Laser medical device Latus-5

ATC-SD presents new laser medical device model Latus-5 for photodynamic therapy.


Main technical characteristics:

  • Wavelength – 661 nm
  • Output optical power – 5W CW
  • Fiber core diameter – 600 micron

Areas of medical applications for Latus-5 series devices:

  • Photodynamic therapy
  • General, endoscopic and thoracal surgery
  • Dermatology, cosmetology, vascular pathologies
  • Stomatology
  • Otolaryngology
  • Gynaecology, urology, proctology
  • Oncology

Supply contents:

  • Control unit
  • Foot pedal for remote switching the laser emission on and off
  • Optical instrument delivering laser radiation to the working area
  • Protective glasses
  • The optical fiber chopping tool

Laser device model LATUS-40 For medical and technological applications.

The main technical parameters:

Model LATUS-40
Wavelength of radiation, nm 950±10
Output power, W 40
Mode of operation Pulse or CW
Pulse duration, ms 0,01 to 10
Exposure, sec/ min 1 с - 30
Optical fiber diameter, microns 600
Dimensions, mm 345х310х135
Weight of the complete set, no more than, kg 15
Network power supply, V/Hz 220/50 or 110/60
Cooling Internal thermoelectric

Laser Diode Driver model LDD-20

Laser Diode Driver is intended for:

  • Power supply of laser diode models ATC-S4-F200, ATC-S6-F400, ATC-S8-F600 and ATC-S8-F200 in continuous wave modes with stabilized current
  • control of the LM current
  • Stabilization and control of LM temperature
  • Control of LM optical power by means of photodiode built into LM case
  • LM protection against electrical damage and disturbances of the thermal mode

The main technical parameters:

Model LDD-20
Range of LM PC adjustment 0.01-20.0 A
LM PC quantization 0.1 А
Output power 3 W
Range of the established temperature 10...60 °С
Step-type behaviour of installation of temperature 0.1 °С
Instability of temperature ± 0.1°С
The maximum pressure on an exit 12 W
The maximum current of loading 12 А
Weight 11 кg
Dimensions 345х310х135 mm
Operation mode 8 hour/day
Network power supply 220V/50Hz or 110V/60Hz
Power consumption Less than 600V

© Компания "Полупроводниковые приборы", Санкт-Петербург, 2011